So I just redid my page, and that picture is HUGE, but I kind of like it I guess. It took me forever to even figure out how to get a picture anywhere. You'd think I could figure that stuff out. Frustrating....
I'm about to go babysit. I haven't babysat in forever and I am pretty excited. It should be a nice break hanging out with 2 kids instead of 26 all day. And then it is the weekend. This is going to be a special weekend.
I am finally getting a macbook pro and I am so stinkin excited!!! I just found out the Apple store downtown opens tomorrow morning too SO if everything works out as planned, I can just go buy it there. And have it the day of instead of having to patiently wait for a shipment.
So for my topic of the morning, I want to blog about something that has outraged me---celebrity baby names. Someone had the nerve to name their kid "Talula does the Hula". Now, you think that wouldn't be allowed, but it was. And the child is now 9 and the court took custody of the child just to have the authority to change her name. This weird name scheme could cause a lot of difficulties socially and emotionally for a child as they grow up. I know if I met "Talula does the Hula" I would probaly have something weird to say, or atleast an awkward face and why would any parent want to put their child through that all over a name. Apparently, other celebrities have gotten away with "Number 16 Bus Shed" as a name and "Diva Thin Muffin" and lets not forget "Tu Morrow"! I mean SERIOUSLY. I think there should be a line drawn in the system that has some rule stating that names that could potentially damage a childs social and emotional stature should not be allowed.
Well, Talula does the Hula is now one of my new favorite sayings...and I would love to meet the parents who named their child that. I have something to say to them...
-Talula does the Hula
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
birthday extravaganza
Let me start out by saying I probably have the most thoughtful boyfriend on the planet. And I knew this a while ago, but dang, I realized it even more tonight. It was my birthday today. And naturally, I spent all of it at work with my daycare kids, and then I went to an amazing night of worship. I never really care about birthdays, for the mere fact that I think it is a day of mourning because you get a year older and you can never have that age back. But anywho, so I had an okay day.
I got a phone call about 5:00 and it was Hunter telling me his car broke down, and he was stuck in a parking lot, so I went there to get him. And then I took him home, and he was kind of in a bad mood because everything he was trying to get done today was going wrong. So I took him home, then I came home and got ready for church. Then I acted 3 and pitched a fit because I didn't want to go to church...I was tired, and it was my birthday, and I didn't really have any sort of day, and wah wah wah. So after much debate and argumentative talking on the phone, I decided I would go to church, because after all, the only reason I even have a birthday was because of God.
Well now I was a little mad, because I wanted to do something with Hunter tonight, but now I knew that afterwards we had to go pick up his car, swing by the gym, and by this time it would be 10:30 at night. 
Well, he shows up at church, with a bouqet of Tulips because he remembers thats my favorite flower, and gives me a big hug. This made me glad. Then, afterwards he rushes around and keeps saying we are going to be late and I couldn't figure out what to, and he pulled up to Carrabas and the take out guy immediately brings out this huge bag of food!!! Hunter already had ordered it earlier and everything. So we took it home and ate it. Then we just talked and he gave me my birthday present.
But seriously, I felt so bad for acting like a little brat all day. And for being so selfish about stupid little things.
I'm just excited about life, and about love, and about everything.
I'm just excited about life, and about love, and about everything.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I Have Been Blessed
I was sitting on the front porch tonight, about 9:30, it had just gotten dark. My mom lit a bunch of candles on our front porch to keep the bugs away and all of us were sitting around in the rocking chairs and on the swing. I couldn't help but just be really thankful for the blessing God has given me with my family, and the things He has taught me through them, such as compassion and unconditional love. My brother is significantly older than me, but it has never phased me one bit. He is my big brother, and he has taught me so much. Seeing him and how he is with his family has given me something to model the type of husband I want to be able to have one day. I played soccer earlier in the backyard with the kids, and just ran around with them for awhile, and I am so glad to have them. Watching them grow from day 1 and seeing where they are now is an amazing feeling.
I can't wait for the 4th of July. My cousins are coming along with my Memaw and there is going to be a huge partay at my residence...I counted and there should be about 17 people here. And all of them are family. As much as I think about how overwhelming it is going to be and how chaotic it will end up being, I can't help but just be excited that I have them in my life.
I love my family. They are so fun, and I love being around them. We were sitting at the dinner table and we were talking about how my cousin Julie is coming who is a year older than me. My brother kind of laughed and said he was suprised she is still coming because we are kind of past the age of wanting to travel with family and instead, do our own thing. But it is just different. I can't imagine being at an age where I wouldn't be excited to hang out with them. We are just really close. And yeah, most people wouldn't want to go on these escapades at 20 years old. But what can I say, we are just that cool!
Yay for fireworks....
And tomorrow will suck until about 3. I have my final exam, and with everyone here today and me having a sinus infection, the last thing I have focused on is studying...and I need an A! Pray for me.
I can't wait for the 4th of July. My cousins are coming along with my Memaw and there is going to be a huge partay at my residence...I counted and there should be about 17 people here. And all of them are family. As much as I think about how overwhelming it is going to be and how chaotic it will end up being, I can't help but just be excited that I have them in my life.
I love my family. They are so fun, and I love being around them. We were sitting at the dinner table and we were talking about how my cousin Julie is coming who is a year older than me. My brother kind of laughed and said he was suprised she is still coming because we are kind of past the age of wanting to travel with family and instead, do our own thing. But it is just different. I can't imagine being at an age where I wouldn't be excited to hang out with them. We are just really close. And yeah, most people wouldn't want to go on these escapades at 20 years old. But what can I say, we are just that cool!
Yay for fireworks....
And tomorrow will suck until about 3. I have my final exam, and with everyone here today and me having a sinus infection, the last thing I have focused on is studying...and I need an A! Pray for me.
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