Wednesday, November 19, 2008

electric guitars and violins..

So I am finally eating some dinner at 12:00AM but it's all good.  A little sacrifice I had to make to go the most unbelievable show ever...also known as the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  These people can put on a serious show.  I have never seen so many lights or moving stages or anything in my whole life.  And the awesome part was seeing and experiencing the talent each one of the representatives had.  It was amazing.  I'm so excited we got to go.

Today has been quite the day.  I am really working on my road rage because I know that I have it bad.  And it really is something I need to stop and work on.  People drive me bonkers on the road.  It seems like everyone but me doesn't know how to drive.  But isn't that what we all shout because we know the rules and our way is how it is supposed to go.  And in everyones mind, you are the driver of the year anyway so people need to understand and follow by your great driving example.  So I am on the road, driving in the fast lane to school, because I am actually going faster than most of the cars and I was in the process of passing a HUGE semi.  So I finally pass him, and he starts honking.  So I thought maybe something was wrong with my car so I slow down and look at him and he starts flinging his hands around in disgust that I am still in the fast lane like I am holding up traffic or something.  So now I am just mad, this man has just honked at me and looked at me with this horrid look on his face and I have done nothing wrong.  I mean, sure, honk at me if you have a reason but I really was doing NOTHING wrong.  So now my road rage instinct lashes out of me.  I lay on my horn and flail my arms around at him.  And then I speed up and get in front of him and slow down.  So now at this point, I have just defeated my road rage challenge to myself, and I immediately felt like garbage.  I should've just kept on going and smiled. 

Anyways, now I am eating chicken noodle soup.  So I am going to continue before it gets cold.  Good night all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

5 ft. small or 5 ft. tall?

I have not had the pleasure or sincere enjoyment of writing an insightful blog in a while, so I figured I would grace my knowledgable ways of wording onto this blog once again.  This mac is cool.  It lets me know that I can't currently has the word "knowledgable" in a red underline because it is letting me know I am an idiot.  But I am going to go against it and leave it as it.  It makes it more personal that way.  

I have been contemplating the mere aspect of everyday life.  Everyone at some point wakes up, hopefully, and begins their day.  They get ready, or if you are like me, you throw on some clothes, and leave the comfort of your house to venture out into the hustle and bustle of the world.  You encounter people everywhere you go for the most part, whether it be strangers or people you have met before.  But have you ever wondered the amount of trust you put in people?  I sit in a classroom, trusting that no one has any anger management problems and wants to do something crazy.  I walk down the street, trusting that no one is going to beat me up because I am a little nerd.  People sit on planes, being steered in a direction by a pilot whom they don't know, who is to say they are going the right way?  I might be the only one who sits down and analyzes these things, but it blows my mind.  And I am not even sure this makes any sense to you, but it makes complete sense to me.

Anyways, now instead of being insightful, I am going to be blunt.  I have had a LONG day.  During swimming class today, the professor video taped us doing various strokes and then he would pull aside and we would watch them and he would analyze them.  Awkward.  So I get ready to do my best freestyle.  He tells me it looks good but to lengthen my arms some.  Well, apparently, he told my friend that she did her freestyle like a chicken wing, how that is possible I don't know, but then I immediately felt a little better about myself.  Which is funny because that is kind of rude.... but whatever.  So then, I did my backstroke, he said once again looks good but rotate your body more.  So then my friend tells me he told her she did her backstroke like a log.  All I could say was man, he must really not like you.  If anyone told me I swam like a log I would look at them like they were half crazy.  Logs don't swim, duh.

Then I went to the gym, ran for 30 minutes, then ate a lot of ice cream.  I like to do a little balancing out.

And for the record, EggNog is apparently really bad for you....if you drink 1/2 a cup, you might as well have just eaten a double decker chocolate icing molten lava cake.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

it's a rave!

well, this is what my roommates and i do at midnight. when we all have school and work the next morning. thought i'd give everyone a glimpse into our crazy times. we were definitely ravin.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One Nation, Under God

I was debating on posting something on my thoughts and feelings about the election.  When reading this, understand that this is strictly my opinion, but I feel like I should write it out.  

I was watching Fox News last night as they were tallying up the polling results, and around 11:10, the announcement was made that our new President-elect was Barack Hussein Obama.  Now, to be honest and straight forward, I did not vote for Obama like most of this nation did.  I studied him, I researched his beliefs and values, and they did not match mine.  I was very displeased with the reaction of a lot of my fellow peers, and I fell right into the trap at first because I acted out of my emotions.  People posting things like "I want to move" and "what have we done" and then the positives, "change is coming", change, change, change.  That is aggravating.  And the passion people have poured out going into this election and coming out of it has been unbelievable.  And now, he is our President.  All we can do is pour the power of prayer over him.  Instead of complaining and instead of speaking negativity over his win and over these next four years, we need to be supportive.  I may not agree with everything he has to say, and no one is asking me to, but I don't need to preach negative comments--that seems a little "un-American".  And I would like to take this as another historical event I have personally witnessed and have become a part of.  I voted in this election, and our first African American President has been elected into office.  That is a tremendous feat and even the most conservative person can agree.  It is true that this was never thought of a couple of decades ago.

But people need to remember, Obama is not our savior, Obama can not bring upon the "change" we really need without the direction and the presence/power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray for him, I pray for his leadership over this country in these what seem to be challenging times, and I pray he seeks Christ during his 4 years in office.  God has his hand on this country, and God has his hand on Obama.

the end.

back to the books, I'm not loving school at the moment, hence the blog break.