Thursday, August 14, 2008


I feel the urge to blog about this sad day.  Rahel left today for Tennessee.  And all of us room mates were here to see her off.  It is weird having an empty room to myself now.  And it is weird with only 4 left here.  I feel like we are on the Real World just waiting for the next one to leave. We had a lot of good times in this house.  I shall go through a few.
Rahel and I slept on bunk beds.  Like good little 5 year olds.  It was fun.
Roxi and I would stay up until 2:30 AM driving everyone in this place crazy because we would be really obnoxious and loud.
One time, Roxi ran into my door frame, bruised her knee, fell into my book case and spil
led unLucky Charms all over my bedroom floor all the while I was trying to study Spanish.
One night, Rahel and I played in the backyard for a few hours.  And then we jumped like fences like we were in the Navy Seals and tried to scare Roxi by jumping up and down in our tall living room windows.
Dannielle and I trying to move the bunk beds to my truck was pretty HILARIOUS.
Moving 5 people into a 3 bedroom townhouse
 without telling the lease people was pretty great too.  And at one point, it was 6.
Iron Chef cooking nights.
Rearranging everything all of the time.
Guitar Hero wars.
Mountain biking escapades.
It has been a fun run here.  I am excited to move and start a new chunk of life.  And Tarra and Dannielle get to go with me :). 

Monday, August 11, 2008


This weekend was super fun, and I'm very sad it is over.  
On Saturday, Hunter and I drove up to Moncks Corner and met some good friends to go for a day of 4-wheeling, fishing, and shooting guns.  It was sooo much fun just being o
ut in the woods on a plantation in the peace and quiet, getting muddy and not having to worry about work or people calling needing stuff or anything.  We made a cute little lunch at the cabin afterwards and just hung out for awhile.
On Sunday, I did some handy work on some furniture to get ready to move into my new
 apartment.  I am so excited to have my own room and to get to decorate as I please.  I'm going with a black and white theme so we will see how it turns out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

what is love?

I was sitting with my grandparents a few nights ago, and they were talking about some special times in their lives.  And it is always fascinating to me to hear them talk about the past and their lives together.  They have been married 73 years.  And now they are very old, very fragile, and still very much in love.  
Listening and watching them these past 10 years of my life has taught me so much.  
I was sitting on their blue plaid couch watching them eat their dinner and sparking conversation, and my grandpa began to explain to me how they have been married for 73 years.  His response was quite simple--but very deep.  He raised his hand and held out 3 fingers and stated that the reason they have made it this long is faith, love and forgiveness.  How can I argue with the man?  He is sitting there eating dinner with his wife of 73 years, taking care of her in her fragile age, and still enjoying life even though it isn't what it used to be anymore.  
I want a love like that.  
The best story I have of them happend a few years ago.  My grandpa was helping my grandma down the stairs---and you have to remember they are both in their mid 90's, so it isn't an easy task anymore.  My grandma's foot slipped on the way down and she began to fall, so my grandpa fell in front of her so she would land on him and not on the hardwood floor that waited below.  He tore up his hand pretty good and had some bruises but my grandma was fine and to him that is all that mattered.
Watching them and learning from them has truly been a blessing. 
And I figured since I always want to write about things that matter and small things that touch my life in this blog, why not write about the two people who have taught me more about love, commitment, and life than my grandparents? 

Monday, August 4, 2008

am i speaking english?

God has been speaking a word to me lately and it is something like patience...i think that is the word, well, i know it is the word but I have been acting like I don't hear it.  And I pretend that I can't understand it, like it is Spanish or Italian or something.  Why?  I don't know.
But it has hit me hard, especially in these past few months.  Patience is important.  Why rush things?  Why not just sit and be in a state of contentment with what God has given me?  He has given me so much, yet I hunger for more, all of the time.  And it is for things that will bring me no benefit, much less anyone else benefit.  So what is the purpose for longing and needing them right NOW.  I feel like I am rambling.  But I am not a good sorter of thoughts.
My point is you always "need" something else.  Like this---you are 15 and all you can think about is getting your permit.  You finally get it.  You drive around with an adult.  It is fun for a few weeks, then you begin to get bored and want your restricted.  All you can think about is getting that restricted.  You take classes, you study, you practice, then you finally get your restricted. You finally drive by yourself.  But having to be off the roads by 6:00 begins to get old and you want your full license.  It never ends.  
You have a house, but it isn't big enough.
You have a car, but it's not nice enough.
Why not just feel content and let your heart be content in Christ?
PATIENCE is a virtue...and that isn't just a saying.