GO GATORS!!! We stomped Kentucky like 63-6!!! I got to see some of my cousins and my brother!! We had so much fun! I was a little sad because we missed game night with all of my high school friends but being at the gator game was amazing.
We left Friday night around 6:30 in the flooding rain, and got to Gainesville at my cousin Julie's house at about 12:30AM. We talked for a while and the retired to our sleeping quarters and woke up at a few hours later. Then we met up with my brother and his family and walked around UF's campus and went to the bookstore. We also watched all of the players walk into the stadium and I took an unhealthy amount of pictures of Tim Tebow!!! I was so close to him!!! It was nuts. After spending too much money, we headed to the stadium where we sat down in our seats. It was me, hunter, my cousins david, julie, stephanie and jonathan and davids girlfriend nicole.
Anywho, after that, we all went to dinner at an awesome place called Gator something or other, and then had Starbucks and visited. Then we hit the road and got home really late so I am going to sleep now but I just wanted to share in my excitement.