It has been a while and I have finally managed to find some time to update this thing. It has been a busy past few days and this
weekend is only going to get busier but in a good way. My brother and his family are traveling down to florida for the Gator game this weekend and I thought it would be fun if I could go down and meet them and go to the game-- 1. because I'm obsessed with the florida gators and 2. because i am obsessed with Tim Tebow. My cousin Julie goes there and got me 2 tickets to come down. I am so stinking excited. So me and Hunter are going to go down there on Friday night, stay with Julie at her apartment and go to the game with everyone on Saturday!! It will be so much fun!

Last weekend, Hunter was in Tim and Melissa's wedding. It was a lot of fun and a very beautiful wedding. After all of the festivities, we met up with some of Hunters friends and
watched the UFC fights. Fun........haha. Then, on Sunday we headed down to Walterboro to celebrate Hunters church 150th anniversary. It was fun. Then I had to do homework the rest of the afternoon so that kind of ruined my relaxed mood I had planned for the day. This computer programming class is kicking my butt. Man, what a major to choose. I'm just going to have to study super super hard for the next test and the final exam. Hopefully I won't have to retake this class and add to my already longer 4 years in college.
On a sad note, something has been very wrong with my stomach lately so if everyone could pray for me that would be great. I have been getting really really sick every few hours after I eat. I went to the doctor on Monday and they told me to eat some funky diet until Thursday and see what happens. I still haven't been feeling well at all. It is getting hard because I have a lot of school work and the end of the semester is approaching and this sickness isn't helping anything out. Anywho, peace out.
Oh and the purpose of that blog title is very necessary. Everyone needs to go look up in youtube, Scarlet does the tumble and forward the video to 2 minutes. I promise you that you will not be disappointed. I have been laughing all day about this stupid video.
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