i like star gazing...
that's all for today
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
you're my best friend
I think it is funny how so many things change and grow through out a lifetime. And how your concept of things tends to change over time. I always remember when my mom would talk about how much she loved antiques and all these weird things and I would just laugh and insist I would never like those things. Now I find myself loving antique type things and liking similar types of pieces that I always swore I would never take interest in.
That is kind of how I am viewing life now. It is so different than I ever would have expected. I am a month away from being 20, going to college for a computer science degree, dating an amazing man of God with ambitions, dreams and goals beyond what I could ever expect, living in a house with 4 amazing people and sleeping on the top of a bunk bed... [ i think i went a little backwards in that aspect. don't you sleep on a bunk bed when you're like 5?] and so many other things. I mean heck, I was the maid of honor in my best friends wedding last year... we always talked about it for years, and then somewhere a long the way life happend, and I found myself on a stage being there for her on one of the most important days of her life.
Another thing I have been really analyzing lately is the way people interact with others. I love people watching, and I love building relationships with people. I hate meaningless. But I have been in a constant state of learning, and I can hand most of that to Hunter. For the longest time, people have had something to say about us. Whether it be age difference, or the "stage of life" we are each in, and how it just isn't a good idea....but frankly, I have learned to really not care. Who is to tell me who is good for me and who is not, besides me, and possibly my dad. People take too much time analyzing the outside of things without trying to understand the heart of someone. I have never met someone more in love with God and life than him. Yes, he is crazy at times, but I like him for that. As much as his goofyness can drive me crazy, it has taught me to chill out, and not take life so super seriously all of the time. What is the point in living life, just to be in a constant state of normalcy? I don't want to be normal. I want to be as far from that as I can. I am so glad we are together. I finally feel at peace in that area of my life. I have someone who is constantly striving to be a better person, a better boyfriend, and a better man of God...this in turn only makes me want to be better.
I guess the part that makes me laugh the most in all of this is that 7 months ago, I told someone I would never date them, and that I didn't want to waste their time because I wasn't sure, and I didn't want to lead anyone on. And look where that got me, I was still pursued after being a jerk, and for 7 months I have learned so much about somone that I became their best friend, and now I get to hold that hand and be that girlfriend that I said I would never be....
coool story.
I'm done being mushy, I never ever am, so enjoy it while it's here. :)
That is kind of how I am viewing life now. It is so different than I ever would have expected. I am a month away from being 20, going to college for a computer science degree, dating an amazing man of God with ambitions, dreams and goals beyond what I could ever expect, living in a house with 4 amazing people and sleeping on the top of a bunk bed... [ i think i went a little backwards in that aspect. don't you sleep on a bunk bed when you're like 5?] and so many other things. I mean heck, I was the maid of honor in my best friends wedding last year... we always talked about it for years, and then somewhere a long the way life happend, and I found myself on a stage being there for her on one of the most important days of her life.
Another thing I have been really analyzing lately is the way people interact with others. I love people watching, and I love building relationships with people. I hate meaningless. But I have been in a constant state of learning, and I can hand most of that to Hunter. For the longest time, people have had something to say about us. Whether it be age difference, or the "stage of life" we are each in, and how it just isn't a good idea....but frankly, I have learned to really not care. Who is to tell me who is good for me and who is not, besides me, and possibly my dad. People take too much time analyzing the outside of things without trying to understand the heart of someone. I have never met someone more in love with God and life than him. Yes, he is crazy at times, but I like him for that. As much as his goofyness can drive me crazy, it has taught me to chill out, and not take life so super seriously all of the time. What is the point in living life, just to be in a constant state of normalcy? I don't want to be normal. I want to be as far from that as I can. I am so glad we are together. I finally feel at peace in that area of my life. I have someone who is constantly striving to be a better person, a better boyfriend, and a better man of God...this in turn only makes me want to be better.
I guess the part that makes me laugh the most in all of this is that 7 months ago, I told someone I would never date them, and that I didn't want to waste their time because I wasn't sure, and I didn't want to lead anyone on. And look where that got me, I was still pursued after being a jerk, and for 7 months I have learned so much about somone that I became their best friend, and now I get to hold that hand and be that girlfriend that I said I would never be....
coool story.
I'm done being mushy, I never ever am, so enjoy it while it's here. :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
scared silly

Wow. I have had quite an eventful week. And I have also pondered many many things over this past week. Like the function f(x) and what it exactly means for the sake of my test. The class I am taking is so fast paced but in a really odd way, I'm loving it. I like math now for some reason. I think it is because I find some sort of "high" if you will in problem solving. I love problem solving. This test every friday thing is pretty killer. But my weekends are amazing.
Last weekend, Hunter and I saw Jay Clifford on Saturday night. He played with a string quartet and I pretty much had chills the whole time. There is something so amazing to me about beautiful music and undeniable talent. I love it. We
also ate at the Boathouse which was a fun little elegant date night.
Then on Sunday night, my wonderful roommate dannielle presented us with 2 tickets to the Symphony Under the Stars Spoleto Finale...hello I am so there! So, the problem was 3 of us were going and we only had two tickets. Well, we pretty much confused the ticket taker and Hunter just walked himself in, and nothing was said. How awesome are we? It was so much fun. Fireworks, symphony, BUGS!! I have tons of bites.
This week then consisted of class, work, and church. Which isn't bad...I like being on a schedule.
Tonight, I finally had some down time and went to see The Happening with Hunter and a group of people. It was a decent movie. I like Shaymalons work. His movies are just a little dissapointing to me.
Anyways, just writing an update to, I don't think anyone really reads this? I guess for myself.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Putt-Putt Champs!
I have no clue what is going on with me lately. I have been SO exhausted by the end of the day all I can think about doing is sleeping. I have a routine schedule down now which makes me happy because I am such a scheduler, but it is draining. Plus, I have been a little sick these past fews days and I had a test today in my pre-cal class...thank goodness today is over.
Tonight was fun. I hung out with Hunter, Levi and his girlfriend and we went to Frankies to dominate some putt-putt and then we ate some Ruby Tuesdays. It was really fun. I never realized just how bad I am at putt-putt though. Reality stinks. But we still won, but that was all Hunter. I destroyed our score.
It is awesome to feel comfortable again. And to have a best friend who is also my significant other. That is a good feeling.
Anyways, I'm three for three now! And I think I only have one reader? Goodnight...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I have been dealing with numbers since 9:30PM and it is now a whopping 12:15AM. I can't believe for 5 days a week, 4 weeks, I am going to be doing this pre-calculus class. I shouldn't complain I guess. My teacher is pretty cool, its a 4 credit class, and I'll be done within a month. But I have to get a B or better so it is stressing me out a bit. And I am already a little bit lost and seeing as to how I have a quiz EVERYDAY, I don't have much time to catch up or figure stuff out. It's a hit or miss. Oh boy.

Work is also lots of fun. I feel like I am forever non-stop. Right now my schedule is crazy--I work from 7AM-12:30PM, class from 1:45-4:05, then I have to do all my homework and prepare for the next day. I am exhausted.
On a better note, last weekend I went to Carowinds with my best friends! Melissa, Chad, Hunter and I headed up for the day to relax and hang out. It was a lot of fun. And I decided Charleston needs a macaroni grill because you can make your own pasta dish with every kind of ingredient imaginable!! How awesome is that!?! I guess technically I could do that myself with the help of Publix and a stove, but the name Macaroni Grill is just so exciting! And you can color on the tables :)
This was a really pointless post but I am thinking I should probaly be asleep right now, or atleast in the process of trying.
On one last note, the electrician was probably really wondering what the heck is going on in this household today when he came to fix our fans and our lights. I don't think more than 3 people are supposed to live here but we moved in 6, which is now going to be 5, and there is 3 beds in my room, 2 in another, and a HUGE one is Roxi's room. I'm just waiting for someone to come evict us for cramming far too many people into a tiny townhouse. haha. That would make for a good blog. I'll update on the one if the time comes around.
-peace, love and crack muffins (dannielle made some and i am addicted to those yummy pumpkiny things)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I feel Cranky
It is late. I am still awake. And I have to be up in less than 5 hours to work, and make a living for myself. I'm thinking a nice cup of coffee and pulling an all-nighter sounds like a good idea.
I think I will like this idea of blogging. I don't really have any reason to really "blog", but why not pour out my thoughts on a big white space for everyone to read? I guess I'm a pretty entertaining person, so I should have some entertaining stories for you.
But on a more serious note, I do have something I want to address because it hit me today while I was watching tv. The most OUTRAGEOUS moments captured on video was on this afternoon, and I was pretty lost in it. These captured moments were quite outrageous, they did a fine job naming their program. But in almost every one of the videos, there was some sort of rescuer involved. Somebody was risking their lives just to save the life on another, someone they didn't even know. Now, there was a lot of ways I began applying this to my life. And I watched the show with admiration for the "hero" that stepped in, faced the danger, and rescued someone from a horrific accident. Then, I tried to really put myself in that position...if I was an onlooker, would I jump in and try to save the life of someone I didn't even know? I don't know if I would. But I feel like everyday, in some way, whether insignificant or large, I am given that opportunity. Everyday there is someone I encounter for reasons I do not understand. This gives me a strong attitude check. And I am thinking I need to fix it. It is funny to think how many people you move every day by your attitude and the words you let come out of your mouth. I am understanding....and convicted.
Why be an onlooker when there are people starving for truth, truth that I feel and am so passionate about? Why hold something so important inside and keep it to myself? I don't need to wait for a disaster or an outrageous moment to do something radical.
And with that, it's off to bed I go.
I think I will like this idea of blogging. I don't really have any reason to really "blog", but why not pour out my thoughts on a big white space for everyone to read? I guess I'm a pretty entertaining person, so I should have some entertaining stories for you.
But on a more serious note, I do have something I want to address because it hit me today while I was watching tv. The most OUTRAGEOUS moments captured on video was on this afternoon, and I was pretty lost in it. These captured moments were quite outrageous, they did a fine job naming their program. But in almost every one of the videos, there was some sort of rescuer involved. Somebody was risking their lives just to save the life on another, someone they didn't even know. Now, there was a lot of ways I began applying this to my life. And I watched the show with admiration for the "hero" that stepped in, faced the danger, and rescued someone from a horrific accident. Then, I tried to really put myself in that position...if I was an onlooker, would I jump in and try to save the life of someone I didn't even know? I don't know if I would. But I feel like everyday, in some way, whether insignificant or large, I am given that opportunity. Everyday there is someone I encounter for reasons I do not understand. This gives me a strong attitude check. And I am thinking I need to fix it. It is funny to think how many people you move every day by your attitude and the words you let come out of your mouth. I am understanding....and convicted.
Why be an onlooker when there are people starving for truth, truth that I feel and am so passionate about? Why hold something so important inside and keep it to myself? I don't need to wait for a disaster or an outrageous moment to do something radical.
And with that, it's off to bed I go.
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