Friday, December 5, 2008

swimming exam? or comedy show...

I wanted to write this down before I forgot so I look like a loser updating my blog in the Stern Center. I just took my swimming exam and these were some of the questions:

1. What was a material not used to make swim suits?
a. Lycra b. Nylon c. Human Hair

2. What is the best way to ensure an infant doesn't drown?
a. supervise them b. ignore them c. none of the above

3. Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?
a. Peter Griffin b. John F. Kennedy c. Matthew Webb

4. What happens when you lift your head above water while swimming?
a. Your head will explode b. Your feet will come up too c. Your hips will sink d. none of above

5. What was the first bathing suit called?
a. The Wooly Mammoth b. The Jantzen

6. What company had the slogan "Speed in your Speedo"?
a. Nike b. Wal-Mart c. Speedo

7. How did the Bikini get its name?
a. because that is the amount it covers b. from a nudist colony c. the island Bikini Atoll

8. What's not a good beach rule?
a. swim drunk b. swim sober c. don't swim alone

9. Sunburn is fun.
True False

Anyways, there was more funny ones but thats as good as I can remember. Why did I study so much yesterday? Oh well, atleast I was very entertained.

1 comment:

Anna Baur said...

bahaha!!!! I need an exam like that :)