Tuesday, December 30, 2008

christmas time is.... gone?

So the story goes every christmas, Carly goes MIA for about 2 weeks at the end of December.   Well, it is true.  My brothers family come down for a while and I absolutely love being at my parents house spending time with everybody.  I love my family, and I love when they are here.  I choose to be a true college student and move back in for a few weeks while everyone is here and while I have a break from school and work.  It has been so much fun.  We've made cookies, I have played football every day for the past 10 days, I have played Mario Party 8 more then any normal person should, and I have attended many family Wii bowling tournaments in the past week than a professional bowler himself, although they choose to do the real thing...

Hunter has been a trooper.  He has come over and conquered the chaos with me a couple of times now.  I'm glad he fits in really well here.  He spent Christmas Eve with us and came over for a seafood buffet thing my dad bought us for Christmas.  And on Thursday, we are going to Myrtle Beach with his family to hang out for a while.  And on January 3rd, the chaos ends. Beaugator the bulldog and my brother's family pack up and head out, and life goes back to normal.  And quietness will happen, which is kind of sad. 

Now my only complaint is that it was 78 degrees on Christmas day, and I went outside in shorts and a tank top only to sweat.  That is aggravating.  I just want it to be cold.

1 comment:

Anna Baur said...

That sounds so fun!! :) Big families are wonderful...I'm glad I recently joined one haha