So tonight was a lot of fun. Hunter, our friends Levi and Rachel, Danny and Brandy all ventured out to the James Island Festival of Lights. It was so fun listening to Christmas music and riding through the beautiful lights. I love this time of year. The only bummer is that it definitely was not cold out. I had on a short sleeve shirt and flip flops. Boo. But that is okay.
Afterwards, we went to Ye Old Fashioned to get some ice cream. What I am about to write next is unbelievable and any restaurant with this type of behavior should rightfully earn a C rating on their door. Levi requested to sample the Superman flavor of ice cream before making it his final choice. So the guy behind the counter grabbed a clean spoon, scooped some of it and let Levi taste it. Well, Levi wanted to sample one more flavor so he leaned up on the counter and pointed to the flavor. The guy then takes the spoon from Levi's hand, the one he just licked every last drop of ice cream off of, and preceded to place it into the next flavor of ice cream for his second sample. One spoon, two samples. This is NOT okay with me. This dude just put a used spoon back into the ice cream. Hunter naturally walked away because he is a germaphobe, and so did I, because I am one too, and naturally, germaphobes don't approve of this type of behavior. I don't think I will be going back there anytime soon!
Anyways, tonight was a lot of fun :). Goodnight.
Ewww gross!!!
GROSS!!! funny, but gross
that is disgusting. I have told two people about this story and they were too grossed out. lol
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